Прихожу домой, файла нет! Тут я понимаю, что сохранил в корень файловой системы, а он при перезапуске навигатора удаляется! Надо было сохранять в корень флешки.
Пришлось писать знаово.
Farvel zHz the Demigoddess...
You and the invisible The Wheel Of Fortune and the guardian Angel of Tyr
and the invisible Deathand the invisible The Force
went to your reward with 4899672 points,
Excalibur (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points)
Mjollnir (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
Orcrist (worth 2000 zorkmids and 5000 points)
Sting (worth 800 zorkmids and 2000 points)
The Bell of Opening (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points)
The Orb of Fate (worth 3500 zorkmids and 8750 points)
The Candelabrum of Invocation (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points)
13 rubies (worth 45500 zorkmids),
11 black opals (worth 27500 zorkmids),
10 agate stones (worth 2000 zorkmids),
10 jade stones (worth 3000 zorkmids),
9 diamonds (worth 36000 zorkmids),
8 garnet stones (worth 5600 zorkmids),
8 obsidian stones (worth 1600 zorkmids),
7 citrine stones (worth 10500 zorkmids),
7 chrysoberyl stones (worth 4900 zorkmids),
5 dilithium crystals (worth 22500 zorkmids),
5 sapphires (worth 15000 zorkmids),
5 jet stones (worth 4250 zorkmids),
5 amethyst stones (worth 3000 zorkmids),
5 fluorite stones (worth 2000 zorkmids),
4 jacinth stones (worth 13000 zorkmids),
4 emeralds (worth 10000 zorkmids),
4 turquoise stones (worth 8000 zorkmids),
4 amber stones (worth 4000 zorkmids),
4 jasper stones (worth 2000 zorkmids),
1 aquamarine stone (worth 1500 zorkmids),
1 topaz stone (worth 900 zorkmids),
2 amulets of life saving (worth 300 zorkmids),
1 amulet of reflection (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of magical breathing (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 71130 pieces of gold, after 76878 moves.
Killer: ascended
You were level 30 with a maximum of 254 hit points when you ascended.
struct A
unsigned int bit0;
unsigned int bit1;
unsigned int bit2;
unsigned int bit3;
unsigned int bit4;
unsigned int bit5;
unsigned int bit6;
unsigned int bit7;